Welcome to Rich Valley Presbyterian Church
Our Church
Rich Valley Presbyterian Church is a diverse representation of the demographic of southwestern Virginia and our corner of Appalachia. We are represented by a community of professionals, farmers, educators, retired individuals, missionaries, business owners, singles and families searching to find a meaningful spiritual connection. We believe in individual growth and service. We believe in mutual encouragement. We uphold the Reformed tradition. We believe in the centricity of the Bible as the Word of God, the grace of Christ, the work of the Holy Ghost and personal and corporate commitment to God our Creator and Father. We are always open to new ideas and expressions of these traditional beliefs. We welcome all people. Come join us.

Our Mission
Our mission is to honor God in service of the individuals, families and community of Rich Valley through traditional worship, discipleship and personal spiritual challenge and growth. We desire to minister to all people in and around our community of believers in Jesus Christ. We desire to impact the world within and outside our walls through adherence to the principles taught by Jesus and upheld through the history of His church; loving God with our whole being and loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Our Pastor
Mike Klumpp was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana and came to Rich Valley after serving as a pastor and missionary for thirty-six years. Mike, Karen and family came to the Valley from China. Mike brings a rich diverse history of spiritual expression. He is the author of several books ranging from murder mysteries to self help and memoirs. His latest book, I Am: The Miracle, describes his work in Africa aiding people in financial insecurity; providing education, health services, fresh water and sustainable opportunities for business. Mike brings his missions focus and sensitivity to his service to the people of Appalachia. “The focus of church should be the same today as it was for Jesus. We need to disciple, support one another and encourage each other in spiritual sensitivity and growth. John 13:35 reminds us that it is our love for one another that reveals God.” (Mike Klumpp) Mike loves to serve and encourages everyone to come give our services a try. “Feel free to contact me any time to discuss your journey toward God.”